Sunday, 5 January 2014

It's been a year... and a few months

In this newest of New Years, I've decided to exercise my brain and write something useful, maybe prophetic, most probably just nonsense that the world has imparted on me. 

Last I wrote, it was in 2012. I'd like to think I'm not a superstitious person (more to have some fun with superstitions). However I recently mentioned to a friend that 'even' years seem to bring better luck and happiness for me, which is perhaps why I haven't been able to bring myself to write anything in 2013. 

I think also 2013 was a prolonged limbo. Not that I wasn't happy! The highlight of my year would have to be this:

And a bit of this as well............

 All thanks to a lovely Australian friend who decided to visit Canada and the US for her holidays this year! These scenes are all of either Ontario or Quebec, two beautiful provinces that I'd recommend anyone to visit.

There was also New Years last year in Calgary which involved dressing up and having tiny hor d'oeuvres whilst sipping on champagne. 

Skiing with my fellow colleagues made the list as well. That weekend was one to remember....well, at least parts of it!

So yes! There are these and a good few more examples of which I can re-iterate to you the joys of 2013. However, limbo has set in, I think, due to the fact that I am moving into a splendid new townhome. Waiting 2 years for it to be built is bringing on a sense of impatience. Now the first year (a.k.a 2012) was fine. I was saving money and mentally preparing myself to move for the very first time in my life. However, in 2013 I had thought earnestly that I'd be moved in by September. Note to all of you buying condos, they take FOREVER to build. They keep changing whether or not you're in first or second or third phase. Originally my unit was in first phase, which then got pushed to second. The salesmen don't tell you this in advance, so if you're looking to move quickly, buy a unit that's already close to being fully built!

Such a big milestone has brought on many emotions! 

Ecstatic happiness (I'll own my own place! Freedom! I can decorate any way I want to! I can host any type of party at any time! YES!) can turn into...

Hyperventilating fear (I can't do this alone. Will I have enough money for the bills, mortgage? Will I have anything extra for traveling? Did I really want to do this? Yes of course it's about time I moved out... But am I ready? Oh no, I have to live ALONE). I hate the word alone. It's not really a pleasant feeling either. I battle with that everyday. 

I come back to my senses of course, every time. Hopefully I'll be getting my possession letter soon enough. 

At any rate, 2014 IS the year I move out so already because of that fact it should be a better year in general. Buying some of the furniture and kitchen items in advance is proving to be a stress reliever as I won't have to purchase them all at the same time when I move in.   

I think my New Years resolution is to keep it simple, stupid. Learn how to live on my own, decorate my place when I move in, sit on my front step and watch the world go by for awhile. The simple pleasures of life. I've been too busy wanting more, not being happy because I don't have exactly what I want at that precise moment, or being fixed on 'running away' altogether. I do have much to be thankful for, here at home.

And perhaps when opportunity awaits, be a bit more spontaneous, instead of planning every moment. 


Gravity by John Mayer
(...just keep me where the light is....)