I cannot wait until April 20th. Why? Because I get to immerse myself in a world of undying romance that I know can exist in this world of 50% divorce rates. The movie, The Lucky One, is based on a book that Nicholas Sparks wrote, one that I just finished reading today. Talk about awakening my inner helpless romantic! Nicholas Sparks has a way of doing that though. Just think "The Notebook" and you can see my reasoning.
Reading books like "The Lucky One" remind me when I feel discontent with my fellow human kind that there are people out there that truly respect and love their neighbors, friends, and significant others. Being bombarded with examples of infidelity, lust, and disloyalty in general has a toll on my moral well-being and I find myself coming home at times feeling more exhausted not from the rigors of my career, but from processing the information I overhear from people I meet. Here is what I think of when my rational mind shuts down from a mentally exhausting day (please note that this does not solely happen at work but any place I may be at):
1. Can someone please tell me why men are afraid of committed relationships?
I've heard countless times that men feel like they're in shackles once they are committed to one woman. And this is before marriage. Apparently, marriage itself represents prison! Enjoy single life while it lasts because when you get married, you won't ever be happy anymore.
2. Division of labour. Ok, I get that certain jobs are allocated to either the man or woman within the household. That's normal. But when I start hearing conversations like, "When my man is sick, I used to make him food and get him things at the beginning of our relationship but now, absolutely not! I tell him to suck it up and get his own food," I can't help but wonder what sort of a relationship this married couple has. Really? You aren't going to help your spouse get better? Wow. No words.
3. I'm really starting to hate how some men look at women, like they're pieces of meat. Give me a break! Isn't there any respect left in this world? Each individual in this world has a purpose and is unique and should not be looked at as something to use for a few hours then tossed. Love 'em then leave 'em. Mr. Sparks, where exactly are those honest, loving men you write about in your books?
4. No, I do not want to go on a date with you because I highly doubt you will stay loyal to me, so stop asking me for the 10th time. No I do not want to sit on your lap at the bar or touch your chest. I find you disgusting and wouldn't touch any part of you if you paid me a few million. Thanks but I think your girlfriend wouldn't appreciate what you are asking me to do with you.....Are you seeing now my mental drain?
5. The thrill of the chase! After awhile, if you don't give in, they lose interest. I suppose that's a sign that they aren't really great friends but that truly is a slap in the face. Especially when before, they share jokes with you and stories, and now do not include you in their conversations. If by chance they do, they are usually making you uncomfortable. Seeing this truly depresses me especially when you know the person affected had a completely different mindset of who the 'chaser' was at the beginning.
Time shows a person's true colors and sometimes, they aint pretty. I have fantastic friends that I can vent to and understand my background; however, it would be nice to be surrounded by more of the people who believe in the same values I do, who aren't afraid to stand up for someone else when they feel uncomfortable and tell them to back off, who are fiercely loyal to close friends like I am. All this negativity is truly getting to me right now. I have been listening to this song all evening and hoping for karma to eventually kick in:
The Frey- You Found Me
Tell me about it! I just watched Pride and Prejudice... <3