Saturday, 10 March 2012

Solar phenomenon...and other musings

The Sun. It is the center of our existence, our life. It is the sole element that keeps the Earth rotating, gives life to plants by being the key component to photosynthesis, brings warmth to a summer's day and can be simply beautiful at dawn or dusk. More recently, the Sun has been quite a marvel due to this:

...which then leads to this:

...and can often cause this:

In the last few days, we have witnessed solar flares being released and impacting Earth. These flares often produce impressive solar storms that disrupt electrical grids and satellites due to spikes in radiation. As well, solar flares interrupt the normal flow of the magnetic field of Earth at the North and South poles causing the beautiful Aurora Borealis to brilliantly light up the night sky. 

Beautiful indeed. But it makes you wonder how much we rely on electricity and our cellphones on a day to day basis. Last year, I asked my Grade 7 Science students to write down how they would survive if electricity went off grid for a week. In a journal form, they wrote down how they would heat up their food, what sort of techniques they would use to stay warm, and what sorts of activities they would partake in to keep themselves occupied. It was quite amazing what the students came up with. They truly drafted up ways of surviving Canadian winters, cooking and preserving rationed food, transportation (some engineered clever inventions that did not use gas or electricity), and just simply returning to the simplicity of life before the explosion of technology and its bi-yearly advances (Double points for writing down simple exercise and sports outside with friends!).

And yet, despite technology and its apparent advantages and disadvantages, I return to that simplicity of life when I take time to enjoy a simple sunset in a winter sky. Besides, I need my camera to capture this moment after all!

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